Individual production

As emotions and feelings are important for life to experience its true taste, so as home decoration needs bright details that will perfectly emphasize the character of its owner and create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness
Mirrors with epoxy design are unlimited space for the realization of your dreams

Mirrors with epoxy design

All models are developed individually according to your needs. You can choose the type of wood, shape, size, toning and filling of the mirror. Each of them is a special one and created by our experts manually special for you

Make a request

You can leave your contacts in the “Individual production” section


Make a discuss of your order

We will contact you to discuss the details of your order


Make a deposit

Prepayment for an individual order is 50% of the cost


Term of production

Time of frame production is up to 3 weeks

Photo gallery

Several examples of individual orders

Examples of individual orders


Design inspired by rock crystal. Unique combination of nature purity and richness. In the past this stone has been used for meditation. People believed that it preserves mental balance and fills his owner with love and success. The symphony of rich color, mysterious depth and light scattering of crystal will refresh the interior of your home.

Golden time

Time is the strange thing. It freezes in our expectations and rushes, when we are late.
The design with clock mechanisms styled like famous painting ``The Constancy of Time`` by Salvador Dali symbolizes the value of moment in our life.

Milky Way

Velvet sky slope in the embrace of the night with blue moon shadows and shine of the stars, like mystery of Milky Way. Spectacular design with depth and bright details combination.

Gold Volcano

Fire epoxy filling with black accents and glowing stones. It's like a volcano erupting from the rich bowels of the Earth or golden, sweet honey that leaves a slightly tart, but such a multifaceted aftertaste.
Make a request

Application form for the individual order

Fill in the information about yourself in the form for and we will contact you during the day